Our team is committed to providing superior results every time which is why attention to detail is key to our process. Call Superior Garage for your garage coating needs because why settle for average when you could have superior results.
John Czinka
Owner / Master Installer
Lucas Czinka
Master Installer
Sam Lohnes
Master Installer / Lead Hand
Can I customize my polyaspartic floor coating?
Our polyaspartic floor coating not only comes in a variety of standard colours, but it can also be customized to fit your space! Red, blue, purple, yellow... if you're looking for a custom colour for your garage floor look no further!
What happens when you don’t protect your flooring?
When you leave your concrete unprotected you risk staining, cracking, pitting, and discolouration which can cause the look and function of your space to deteriorate.
Make sure your concrete is protected! Give us a call today to get a quote on installing our polyaspartic floor coating in your space.
Are polyaspartic floor coatings good for winter climates?
Polyaspartic works just as well during the winter as it does in the summer! In fact, there are a lot of great benefits to having polyaspartic floor coating in your garage during the winter such as protecting your concrete from cracks due to changes in temperature, protection from scratches, and it makes winter clean up easy
Why are polyaspartic floor coatings the superior choice over other types of floor coatings?
Polyaspartic creates a harder, more durable surface than other floor coatings such as epoxy. Polyaspartics are also heat resistant, and chemical resistant, and offer superior quality. Our floor coatings also offer long-lasting protection in your garage with little maintenance!
The long term performance, appearance, and life expectancy of wear surface products are critically dependence upon a good routine maintenance program designed specifically for the installed wear surface. Polyaspartic floor coating systems are nonporous, causing dirt and contaminants to remain on the surface. The use of properly placed walk-off mats, inside and outside, will help increase the life of the floor. Recommend maintenance program consist of frequent and thorough cleaning utilizing a neutral pH cleaner, ie: “Dawn” dish soap or “Simple Green”
The frequency of washing will vary depending on floor usage type, traffic and age.